Life Church

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If you had to define “marriage,” what words would you use?

For Valentine's Day, we asked 3 couples a couple of questions about marriage.

Episode 3: Questions

  1. How many years have you been married?

  2. How did you meet each other?

  3. When did you know it was time for marriage?

  4. Was it easy to adjust to living together? How do you split up responsibilities at home?

  5. What are some of your most important traditions or rhythms that give you life as a couple?

  6. If you had to define “marriage,” what words would you use? What makes marriage unique from any other human relationship?

  7. How do you make sure that God is at the centre of your marriage? What are some of the practical ways you make sure God is at the centre of your marriage?

Let us know in the comments what other relationship/marriage questions you have for us.