How did you grow emotionally & spiritually in 2020?


As we wrapped up 2020, we shared with you 3 Life Questions to reflect on the past year and the next. Jazmyn and Mia answer the question: how did you grow emotionally and spiritually this year?

from Jazmyn

Being safe at home tested my patience every single time. The little things I would pick at or take notice, I’ve learned that in order to make it work at home, I needed to learn to show and be an example of love through patience and through my acts of service. I learned that love took a lot of work and communication.

I have appreciated my husband more than ever this year as it took the two of us to meet half way to make it work every day and every night. Through the uncertainty, trusting God was a leap of faith and seeking wisdom to make the best decision for our family each day. There was no manual how to navigate through a pandemic and every decision we had to make to keep ourselves and our little humans safe tore us emotionally to be away from seeing all our friends and family. God was still good to us – he kept us safe and is still keeping us safe as we are nearing to the end of our pregnancy.

from Mia

My word of the year for 2020 was “abide” (based on John 15:4). Having a word of the year helps me focus on something every day. The past year, I intentionally met with the Lord and asked Him to teach me how to be obedient and love His people more.

Being a wife and a mom of 2 little ones under 2, I sometimes found myself being burdened and overwhelmed by this calling. The world says “you got this, mama!” I’ve felt the pressure or put an expectation that I “got” motherhood. I actually don’t, but God does.

The Lord reminded me that I don’t have to do everything myself. It’s not always easy for me to ask for help or to talk about anything I’m going through. Then 2020 came and it became a year of being vulnerable with others by sharing my struggles and asking them to cover me and my family in prayer. By sharing my struggles—my weakness—I hope that people can see the work of Christ in me.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV

We encourage you to share some of your answers with us in the comments below, e-mail us or post on your social media story/feed. We can’t wait to hear how God has led you in 2020 and where He’s calling you next.

  1. How did you grow emotionally and spiritually this year?

  2. What gave you joy this past year?

  3. What spiritual discipline will you work on in 2021?


What gave you joy in 2020?


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