Worship at Life Church

Our time of praise and worship is a joyful offering to the Lord, a means of serving Him with gladness, and an invitation for all to come into His presence through the beauty of music.

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise.” —Psalm 95:1-2

Through our song selections, we wholeheartedly respond to this scriptural call, striving to elevate our congregation and nurture a deeper connection with the Lord.

Sunday Service Setlist

Every song we embrace is thoughtfully curated, intentionally aligned with the core message of the sermon and the unique journey of our church. Our faith drives us to make joyful noises and declare His truth and love through songs.

In these harmonious moments, we strengthen our faith and draw nearer to the Lord.

Join the team

At Life Church, our praise and worship team plays a vital role in making our worship experiences truly meaningful. They are a group of talented creatives who lead us in expressing our devotion to God through beautiful music and heartfelt lyrics.

Our Services