
Thank you for your generosity and interest in supporting Life Church financially!

At this time, we can only receive your tithes and offering through our partnership with our sending church (Christ Almighty Baptist Church) and FEB Central.

Ways to Give

We have 3 ways you can give through CanadaHelps or EMT or attending a service in-person.

Canada Helps

Online giving are done through our partners’ CanadaHelps pages and EMT.

Please include Life Church GTA on the message box when you give. This ensures that your tithes and offering will go to Life Church. Your tax receipt will come from our partners.


Email Money Transfer (EMT) is done through our sending church

Please do not send any e-transfer to our email. Our sending church is Christ Almighty Baptist Church (CABC).


After the message, there will be an opportunity to worship God through giving our tithes and offering.

Please allow 2-3 weeks to process the tithes. If giving by cheque, please make the cheque payable to ‘Christ Almighty Baptist Church’ (our sending church). To ensure that your tithes and offering will go to Life Church, please include Life Church GTA on the memo.

Why We Give

At Life Church, we believe in the Biblical principle of giving. We understand that the earth, everything in it and everyone who lives on it belongs to the Lord. And we have been entrusted to steward over it all.

As stewards, we are to be faithful, and being faithful urges us to give back to God what is His.

Malachi 3 instructs those who are followers, if they will be faithful to the Lord, to first and foremost bring back the first tithe (the Hebrew word means a tenth), into the House of the Lord, then to watch carefully and see that God will be faithful to His promise. God’s promise to meet all our needs, but not necessarily all our greeds, and to pour down for us a blessing until there is no more need.

Tithes and offerings received support the church plant and our ministries, including day-to-day operations, services, Life Groups, staffing, local outreach, people care and many more.

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”

—Malachi 3:10