Serve with Purpose

At Life Church, we believe that every member has unique gifts and talents that can be used to glorify God and serve others. Explore the ministries below to find your place and make a meaningful impact in our church and community.

Ministries at Life Church

Worship and Creative

  • Worship: Lead congregational worship and manage service logistics, fostering a spirit of reverence and community. Volunteer roles: musicians, vocalists, sound engineers, worship team coordinators.

  • Creative: Enhance worship experiences and communicate God’s message creatively, inspiring deeper engagement. Volunteer roles: graphic designers, photographers, videographers, social media managers


  • Prayer: Engage in prayer and intercession for our church and community, cultivating a culture of spiritual support and growth. Volunteer roles: prayer warriors, team leaders, organizers of prayer events.

  • Hospitality: Create a welcoming environment for everyone who enters our doors, ensuring all feel valued and connected. Volunteer roles: Greeters, ushers, hospitality coordinators, event hosts.

Life Church Kids

Impact the next generation by teaching and nurturing children in their faith journey, laying a foundation for lifelong discipleship. Volunteer roles: Teachers, helpers, nursery caregivers, event organizers.

Outreach and Evangelism

Extend God’s love through local outreach and global missions, meeting practical needs and sharing the Gospel. Volunteer roles: Outreach coordinators, athletics leaders, mission trip participants, evangelism team members.

Ready to serve with purpose at Life Church?

Explore the ministries above and prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve. We look forward to partnering with you as we love God, love people, and serve with purpose together.

Fill out our interest form below to get started. We’ll connect you with the ministry leader who will help you find the best fit for your gifts and passions. Thank you for considering how you can make a difference and belong to our community.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”

— 1 Peter 4:10