Life Groups

Pursuing Jesus together

Life Groups are where you build friendships and serve together.


  • Brotherhood

    Monthly • Encouraging men to grow in their faith and building each other up to become more like Christ.

  • Sisterhood

    Monthly • Women in different seasons gathering together in the Word to flourish in our faith

  • Looking for a Life Group?

    Life Groups can be centred on Bible study, discussing the weekly messages, local missions, sports, hobbies, or any activity that brings people together consistently in community and fellowship. If you’re looking for a small group in Pickering, ON, contact us below.

What is a Life Group?

In these small groups, you’ll find space for fellowship, mentorship, and spiritual growth.

Through these gatherings, we foster meaningful relationships, bring about change in our communities, and witness people deepen their relationship with Jesus.

Join a Life Group

We currently have Life Groups throughout the week that you can join online and some in-person in the Durham region. Please let us know if you are interested by signing up.

By submitting your information, you agree to receive communication from Life Church.

“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

— Acts 2:46-47