What spiritual discipline will you work on in 2021?


As we wrapped up 2020, we shared with you 3 Life Questions to reflect on the past year and the next. Jazmyn and Mia answer the question: what spiritual discipline will you work on in 2021?

from Jazmyn

If there is something I need to do, it is to intentionally spend one on one time with God.

It was so easy to binge through a television series, but took every energy for me to really read on what God wanted to speak to me. With a growing family, I know that I cannot rely on my strength, but on Christ alone. Only He can see us through each phase we are going through.

from Mia

I want to be more intentional with making time to reading and memorizing His Word and writing down prayers.

I’m journaling prayers whenever I can. I know it’ll be great to see how God answers prayers, even if it’s not by the end of this year or maybe not. I’m also focusing on just 1 devotional for the whole year and going through a Bible reading plan with my husband, Lendl, and other friends.

I want to encourage you to commit to a discipline and tell your spouse, your mentor or have an accountability person to check in on you or to do it with you. You can also tell me! For the past 2 years, we’ve worked on celebrating Sabbath and it has been life giving for us! We started small by doing every month, then twice a month and eventually every week. Find your rhythm!

We encourage you to share some of your answers with us in the comments below, e-mail us or post on your social media story/feed. We can’t wait to hear how God has led you in 2020 and where He’s calling you next.

  1. How did you grow emotionally and spiritually this year?

  2. What gave you joy this past year?

  3. What spiritual discipline will you work on in 2021?


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What gave you joy in 2020?