We’re doing Church Online differently this time.
Hi church! We’re going online starting on Sunday, April 11th due to the current Ontario province-wide declaration of emergency and a stay-at-home order.
As you may already know, the order also affects the number of people we can have in our in-person Sunday services (15% capacity). We are grateful that many of us have joined in person every Sunday, so our leadership team has made the decision to move our services online to continue to worship God with you.
We’re holding Church Online differently this time. Instead of streaming a pre-recorded service, we’re using Zoom (a video conferencing platform). We’ll pray together, read the Bible together and listen to God’s Word together in real time.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Let’s continue to seek the Lord at this time, be the salt and light where we are, carry each other’s burdens by serving and praying for one another, and pray for our province and our government leaders.
If you haven’t joined us and have been wanting to, this is still a great time to meet with the community and worship with us. Join us 15 minutes before the service starts (3:45pm) for fellowship.
See you online on Sunday!
Register for Church Online today! You only need to register once to receive the meeting links.
If you’ve signed up for our newsletter or have joined us for our previous in-person services, you won’t have to register.