What is God’s purpose for motherhood?

Our church has been blessed with many women who desire to continue their walk with the Lord and exercise their faith. We recently started a life group to encourage one another as moms to continue to look to Jesus Christ for wisdom in our every day moments of motherhood.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, some of our moms who are reading through the Risen Motherhood book shared their thoughts on God’s purpose for motherhood and how it compares with their idea of the ideal mom (Chapter 3, God’s Purpose for Motherhood, p 39).

from Jenn

To be chosen as a mother is such a blessing and true gift from God.

I believe God’s purpose for motherhood is to nurture our kids as we lead by example in serving God, however He may call us to. My idea of the ideal mom was having your life together. I've realized that when I used my own strength to juggle the many hats a mother wears, I found myself exhausted and disappointed. But when I rest in the Lord to carry my burdens, the pressure of being a mother becomes bearable. I find myself drawing close to the Lord as I seek Him for help on a daily basis. I believe that is God's plan, to find your identity in Christ and to be more like him.

from Jazmyn

God’s purpose for motherhood is really the same purpose He has for each stage I have gone through in my life as I grow.

I’ve found myself creating such a high expectation how to survive motherhood with every activity scheduled each day, but God’s purpose of motherhood is simple. His purpose is to know him better each day.

from Alyssa

God’s design for motherhood is one that reflects His own heart.

It is an incredible responsibility bestowed upon mothers to align our lives to God’s design by His word.

This design compares with my desire to keep God at the centre of my family and to show them what the unconditional, sacrificial love of Christ looks like through the gospel and my own actions.

from L.A.

Oftentimes, as mothers, we tend to struggle with control and making sure that we are doing everything we can to care for our families.

However, the gospel reminds us that we are only vessels of God’s grace and that we should learn to let go and allow God to use our lives to share His love to our families and everybody else around us.

from Saharrah

Above all or anything else, the purpose of motherhood is to love God.

More than the calling of raising Godly children, God’s ultimate purpose for motherhood is to make us grow closer to Him, because ultimately, if we love God the most, we will love others best. This overflowing love for our children, for our spouse, and for our brothers and sisters in Christ is the result or product of loving God.

Nowadays, most people consider the ideal mother as someone who provides, cares, and understands the needs of her family, especially her children. While it is not inherently wrong to prioritize our family, we must remember to always put a higher priority on our growth as a daughter of God. In motherhood, we can learn how to be better servants of the Lord, how to become more like Christ.

from Mia

As moms, we are called to reflect the love of Jesus Christ to our children by training and disciplining (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Yet, we can only reflect His love when we truly know it, when we truly love God.

Motherhood is one of the ways that the Lord reminds me how much I need Him in every moment. My ideal mom self is always in control: the kids do as I say, we go to all the places, pick all the flowers and bake all the goods. Doing any of these activities is vanity, when it doesn’t point my kids to Jesus. My ideal mom self—or myself in general—fears to be vulnerable and out of control, but the Lord shows me that His grace is sufficient and that He is sovereign. I don’t have to do it all to know His love or to model His love. Although I fail many times, the Lord continues to pour His unfailing love on me. It pushes me to patiently teach my kids, humbly ask them for forgiveness and take the time to play with them. As His gracious and steadfast love for me overflow may it seep into the every day of my motherhood.

Moms, praise God that we don’t have to face motherhood by ourselves! We can continue to ask the Lord for wisdom and strength, and we can pray for one another. Please reach out if you need to connect or have someone pray with you.

The Risen Motherhood Book Club started in March 2022 and meets every second Tuesday of the month. If you’re interested in joining, you can find more details and sign up on our Sisterhood page.

Looking for ways to pray for other moms? Read our Prayer Week Resource


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