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Unveiling the Majesty: Who is Jesus?

In the ceaseless rhythm of our daily lives, amidst the noise and chaos, there exists a timeless question that echoes through the corridors of history: “Who is Jesus?”

Today, let’s read Luke 2:10-11 (ESV) to unravel the essence of the one whose birth brought good news of great joy" to all people.

“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’” —Luke 2:10-11 (ESV)

1. Jesus is fully human.

Luke, drawing from Mary’s firsthand account, details the miracle of the virgin birth orchestrated by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-35), signifying God’s embodiment in Jesus. Luke traces Jesus' life and genealogy, establishing the Christmas story as a genuine historical account separate from legends like Santa Claus. Emphasizing this authenticity is vital amid mixed narratives. Belief in Jesus transcends personal feelings; it rests on historical facts, revealing God’s intervention and fulfilling prophecies. This truth, beyond personal opinions, holds transformative power, offering forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus, who came as a man to bear our sins.

2. Jesus is the Saviour.

At the heart of this revelation is the announcement of Jesus as the Saviour. In a world marked by brokenness and sin, His purpose is to bring redemption and reconciliation. The term “Saviour” carries profound implications, signifying deliverance, healing, and restoration. Jesus stands as the remedy for the brokenness that plagues humanity.

This incredible news addresses the crucial matter of eternity, emphasizing that without Jesus Christ as Saviour, we face eternal judgment under a holy God (John 3:36). However, in His mercy, God sent Jesus to rescue humanity from the grip of sin.

3. Jesus is the Christ.

The title “Christ” is not a mere name but a designation of Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. Woven throughout the tapestry of Old Testament prophecies, the Christ is the anointed one, the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a deliverer. Jesus, in His earthly ministry, perfectly embodied this role, unveiling the divine plan for salvation.

4. Jesus is the Lord.

Lastly, Jesus is proclaimed as “the Lord.” This proclamation goes beyond authority; it signifies Jesus’ divine sovereignty. To acknowledge Him as Lord is to submit to His lordship over every aspect of our lives. It's an act of reverence and obedience, recognizing His ultimate authority as the true and rightful Lord. The angel is conveying that Jesus, born to the virgin Mary, is indeed God in human form. The Savior had to be human to bear human sins, but He also had to be God for His sacrifice to hold merit before God’s holy throne. Jesus alone is that exceptional Savior.

What is our response?

Now, having unraveled the layers of who Jesus is, the crucial question remains: What is our response? The answer lies in the heart of the Gospel message. We are called not only to acknowledge Jesus’ identity but to personally trust and surrender to Him as our Saviour and Lord.

In the tapestry of human history, Jesus stands as the central figure, calling us to discover the profound truth of His identity. He is the bridge between the divine and the human, the fulfillment of ancient promises, and the rightful Lord of our lives. As we reflect on Luke 2:10-11, may our hearts be stirred to embrace the transformative power of knowing and surrendering to Jesus—the fully human Saviour, the promised Christ, and the reigning Lord. In this revelation, we find not only answers to life’s deepest questions but an invitation to a journey of faith.

Looking to learn more about Christmas in Pickering, ON? Join us for Sunday Service on December 24, 2023 at 4pm at 817 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON. Pastor Lendl Salangsang will be diving deeper in his sermon, “Who is Jesus?”