The Damians


We are the Damians: Wally, Grace, Valerie & Wesley. We are thrilled God has called us to serve with the Life Church family.

As a couple, we began our life together at our former church: Commonwealth Avenue Baptist, over 20 years ago. Equipped with a background in Teaching & Financial Planning, God has graciously given us the privilege to serve Him in multiple ministries: Youth Group, Sunday School, Church Productions, Home Bible Studies, Church Council & Toronto Urban Outreach to name just a few. Each unique experience has gifted us with the opportunity to grow in Christ and cultivate new and old relationships with other Believers.

Fast Fact: We love to travel! Our greatest desire is to experience the world through Gods eyes. Whether trekking the peaks of the Andes or swimming the depths of the Pacific, we love to meet new people. Here at home, we look forward to meeting you! We prayerfully ask God to strengthen the Pickering community by uniting our diversity through Christ.

We trust God will light a spark in the hearts of many; to come together for His purpose and it’s a joy to be trailblazers in that plan.

We pray that you’ll come to know Christ’s love through Life Church. So come, grab Tim’s and join us on life’s journey. We can’t wait to meet you!

Wally Damian is serving as an Elder.


The Salangsangs: Our Pastor and his family


The Facuns