Life Church

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Life Church is 1!

We celebrated our first church anniversary on Sunday, September 26th! It has been a year—a year of God’s goodness and faithfulness! During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to have our very first Sunday Service on September 27, 2020 at The Family Christian Church with about 50 people due to the restrictions then. 

As a church, we’ve had to navigate through lockdowns, church online and moving locations. It’s only by His grace that we were able to plant Life Church during a pandemic and only by His grace that we continue to thrive every day.

God has blessed His church, not only through the growth in our numbers, but also the growth of our members spiritually. In the last year, God has been honoured through the seven Life Groups—where we pray, study the Scripture, and build relationships with each other. We’ve seen God’s people consistently attend and serve in the ministries.

Pastor Elbern shared God’s Word, “Moving On To Spiritual Maturity

On September 26, 2021, we welcomed over 120 people in the church at our new location this year (Bayfair Baptist Church)! It was an encouragement to be with that many believers in one room singing praises and worshipping the Lord altogether!

Friends from our sending church also celebrated this special time with us. They have been an incredible blessing to us and we thank God for each of them. Pastor Elbern Latorilla shared God’s Word and encouraged us to continue to move on to spiritual maturity and continue to aim to accomplish the Great Commission of sharing the Gospel in the Durham area (Hebrews 5:12-6:11).

Giving out Bibles: We’re continuing to pray for those who receive these Bibles! If you got one and already have one, we encourage you to give the Bible to someone that may need it.

As we grow as a church, I pray that we continue to build our foundation in Jesus Christ and reflect His love. I encourage you to find one way to Love God and to love people. Think of a spiritual discipline you want to work on every day starting now until next year. It could be studying the Bible, praying, Sabbath or something else. It can also be thinking of a way to get to know your neighbours and serving them. Or perhaps giving someone a Bible and inviting them to a Life Group.

May the Lord be glorified in all that we do!