Yesterday, Today and Forever


As some of you guys know, Mia and I have been blessed with two amazing boys. Both who are so different, but so much alike. I remember the very day that Kaleb was born and I became a dad, and again when Judah was born. Becoming a father at the ripe old age of 32, I thought I had enough time to prepare. I tried to comprehend all of the knowledge needed to become a father from older family members, friends and mentors and so I thought I had everything figured out. My thought process was to just take all the good things that I saw from them and add my own twist to it. But nothing could have really prepared me for the task of being a dad.

One of the things that I always remind myself of was to be consistent when it came to being a father. Make sure to be consistent with both of my boys. Consistent with spending time with them, in showing them how much I love them, in disciplining them, in showing how much I love their mom and so on. Always being present with our children has always been an important aspect in our parenting style.

And it reminds me of the verse in Hebrews 13:8 that says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” No matter what I had done as a son of God, whether it was to push him away in the past, to disobey His will, or even when I pursued Him, He is always the same.

His love, forgiveness, understanding, mercy, grace will be the same today, as it was yesterday and forever. And so for the fathers out there, who are looking at others, to learn how to become a good dad yourself, look no further. We have a good, good Father, who is for you and your children, and their children and their children.

Praying for all you dads (and of course, moms) out there! May you continue to find your strength in the Lord. May you be covered in His grace as you endure in the task of parenthood.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
— Hebrews 13:8

Prayer for Students


A Mother’s Day Invitation