Prayer for Students

As our kids head to school this week, we want to encourage you to pray for the students in our church, as well as the schools in our GTA community.

Parents, we are also praying of you as you send your kids off to school (virtual/in-person).


Lord, today we pray for our kids.
We ask you to guide them and protect them.
Guard their hearts and light their path.
May they be an example of Your great love.
This is our prayer.
In Jesus' name. Amen.


We pray for those who are teachers and those who work at schools, daycares and other places in the education industry. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom as you lead people and meet with them. May you continue to shine your light before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to the Lord (Matthew 5:16).


Listen: First Anniversary Worship Playlist


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